
Nothing happened

I'm back at the Pocket Memory Shop! Shorts found on the street last Monday, pocket embroidered with a memory from last week (read it HERE). All the money still goes to the homeless in Barcelona through the Arrels Foundation. And scroll down for more clothing items with embroidered pockets from last winter.

Bonus: the nailpolish I found with the shorts. 

Colour: blue/grey 
Brand: Vero Moda
Size: 36



joining forces at the Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison (laBonne)

                           Pocket Memory shop Barcelona II & Vestidures by Inés Tarradellas:



Pocket Memory shop Barcelona I, WTA Gallery

I opened a Pocket Memory Shop in Gràcia, Barcelona. People could buy found clothing items in which I embroidered my Barcelona memories or just wander through the clothes forest and look at the installation.


I changed the prices especially for the SALE tonight!

The "price tags" have been made out of VIP Paper Samples found in the garbage, produced by Gruppo Cordenons. The paper collection I used is called Stardream. the metallic colours have been designed to have an "astral" effect.


a promise

Size: 31   Brand: springfield   Colour: green with golden embroideries to highlight and cherish the stains
RESERVED (but the potential buyer is willing to let go of it when an amazing offer comes in, I am still working on it, lots of stains, so there will be lots of delicate gold embroideries, more detail to be added and some already HERE)